Artist Book > Home - Timeline

Home - Timeline
Translucent paper, tape and Prismacolor
5.5 x 5.5 in *each page/envelope (14 x 14 cm) Variable dimensions
Home - Timeline
Translucent paper, tape and Prismacolor
5.5 x 5.5 in *each page/envelope (14 x 14 cm) Variable dimensions
Home - Timeline
Translucent paper, tape and Prismacolor
5.5 x 5.5 in *each page/envelope (14 x 14 cm) Variable dimensions
Home - Timeline
Translucent paper, tape and Prismacolor
5.5 x 5.5 in *each page/envelope (14 x 14 cm) Variable dimensions

The artist's book Home - Timeline describes the cities where I have lived and the date. On the white intermediate pages is the name and timeline of each city and between the pages are translucent yellow envelopes that contain a cut-out map of each city with the drawing of a place that represents my home in each city. One of the envelopes has the world map; being the beginning or the end of the book.

The book if it is extended, becomes circular. The book can be viewed in multiple ways, adding a different meaning depending on how it is displayed.