Artist Book > Home-Life Journey

Home-Life Journey (artist book/installation)
Translucent paper, Prismacolor and Ink
8 x 8 in each page (20 x 20 cm) Variable size
Home-Life Journey (artist book/installation)
Translucent paper, Prismacolor and Ink
8 x 8 in each page (20 x 20 cm) Variable size
Home-Life Journey (artist book/installation),
Translucent paper, Prismacolor and Ink
8 x 8 in each page (20 x 20 cm) Variable size

This artist book describes the experiences of moving to a new location and the process of learning and becoming familiar with the different cities in which I have lived. The translucent blue paper envelopes show the cities in the previous stage of moving. In the yellow envelopes are the cities after they have become my home.